Thursday, October 4, 2007

I am the most gullible person...

I have ever met. I used to be, at least. I want to believe everything.

I want to believe the people of Atlanta retain some trivial element of the warm southern hospitality for which the city is so famous. I want to believe such friendliness still exists in some part of the urban jewel of the south. I want to believe that some tiny fragment of the service industry there retains a legitimate smile and a genuine cordiality. This I want to believe. But the evidence is scant.

I want to believe that elected Democrats and the democratic platform are in some essential way related. I want to believe that the equitable and good core principles historically represented by the Democratic Party are somehow visible in the deeds and actions of at least a few current Democratic office holders. This I want to believe. But I cannot find any examples to prove it.

I want to believe that western society values people more than things, that Hobbes was wrong, that Marx was wrong, that nasty, brutish and short is not the means to justify an end gain. I want to believe that we expend greater effort to conquer hunger and provide health care than to achieve another market record. This I want to believe. But the poverty rate is enormous and death rates are so very different for those of no means that it would challenge even my gullibility to believe it.

I want to believe that the world is interested in its children. I want to believe that we really do everything possible to save energy, protect the environment, manage the green space, and to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and global warming. I want to believe that we adhere to our principles to build -- and leave -- a better world: to take only pictures and leave only foot prints. This I want to believe. But we make everything out of plastic, even plastic; and I saw not a single other pedestrian on my way to or from work today.

I want to believe that national boundaries are more than property lines to stratify wealth.

I'm gullible. I can believe these things.



Adam Renfro said...

Awwww. You're so cute! What wonderful dreams there, little sparky.

I just watched a shit head argue for 30 minutes against healthcare for children. Especially for those fat cat rich kids who parents make a combined total of $83,000 a year.

Because really . . . it’s such a elementary SCIENCE . . . determining if one is poor enough to receive some healthcare assistance. Why error on the side of a sick, uninsured child? That’s so old in its thinking that it’s almost . . . Christian.

But if I could pose a question to S of G, why is spending money in Iraq good but spending money here is bad? War good. Poor, elderly, sick bad.

I mean, I’m sure it makes perfectly good sense to the neo cons. They’re super intelligent. Godlike, really. But us dumb asses really need it explained.

Shards of Glass said...
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Shards of Glass said...

OSM, OSM, OSM! Why war over domestic spending? There are two important reasons, my good friend.

First, spending money inside the country leads to communism, whereas spending money outside the country combats communism.

Second, sex leads to dancing over there, too.

Adam Renfro said...

Haha! SO TRUE!

Why couldn't I see that?