Monday, October 1, 2007

Proving others are smarter than I...

is a passion of mine. I have often said, "If I am not the dumbest guy in the room, somebody has got to go."

I once frightened a new employee with that statement. He realized within a week or two that he, too, was smarter than I.

Why would I consider hiring someone with less talent and intelligence than I have.

I may be dumb, but I am not stupid.

Today Ray proved again that he is smarter than I by actually doing what I could only describe in a cartoon diagram. He did not need to prove he is smarter. It is unanimously accepted. I contributed in my small way with a challenge to cross the hill. He found a gold mine on the other side.

I benefit from being near such people. Sometimes a small nugget falls from their heavily loaded wagon.

I donate it to charity when I find one.

I have lashed my pony's halter to the rail on his buck-board. I wish him all of our common great success.

He deserves all of the credit.

It is
        the least
        can give,
                the most
        I can give.

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