Thursday, January 15, 2009

My First Plug

This web site - Totally Looks Like - really makes me laugh.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Bearing Poetry

Writing is the brain's birthing process.
Thought is mere conception.
Talking is but gestation.
Written work is a new, real, born thing.
Each draft is yet another target.
Text provides the visibility necessary for criticism,
usually much deserved.
Printed word is the unwashed face
on your obnoxious cousin's even more obnoxious kid.
You know your kid cannot turn out the same.
Then you see the dirty, snot-faced photographs
of a hybrid face,
a cross between your spouse's and father's faces,
only swollen with baby fat.
You soften.
Your cousin and his kid are not so bad.
Your writing, however, still is.
It is still a squalid, intolerable, filthy-faced target,
to which you gave birth,
in search of your cousin's empathy.