Saturday, September 6, 2008

On A.D.D.

They say, we cannot effectively manage a single communication thread.

We say, they cannot manage the multiplicity of communication threads across which we need to operate.

They are holding the cookies.

President Bush is Fun At Parties

The thing you have to love about President Bush is that he has insisted on having a good time as President, despite the state of the country. You have to give him that. At no time has he allowed actual problems to interfere with his clear intention to have a good-time on his turn at POTUS. You can see that he is having a good time. He wants you to see it. Credit for him. He has nailed it. I like that about him. I really do.


These are the influences I can think of right now.

My Immediate Nuclear Family - I will sacrifice myself to preserve them.

My Self and Realization - I must preserve myself to protect ...

My Family of Origin

My In Laws

My long term friends - over great times and distances, patiently

People I like to think of as friends, but perhaps have not known long enough to be sure

People I have worked with

People I know

People I know of

People I have met and have never thought of again

People I have met who never existed

People I have never met

The Environment

And History

In some order.